Wednesday, July 27, 2016

What the hell are they doing to Roman's character??

So, yeah, what the hell are you doing to my fav character, guys?
Lets see, its not so difficult to make us, the WWE universe, love or hate a star.
Cause in a quick analysis, we love:
- the ones who seem weaker (small size, too young, etc) Calixto, Daniel Bryan...
- the crazy, out of control ones Dean Ambrose, Enzo Amore...
- the bad guys, the dangerous ones, and the outlaws Seth Rollins, Demon Kane, ...

Obviously,  we all know
Roman cant be loved for his weakness ... Weak that piece of a man??? Naaaah
He cant play the funny, messy, crazy character either. He is not the kind. Somehow, people dont see him like that. Does he  look too serious? Too dangerous? Too big? I dont see him jumping around as a crazy goat as Dean Ambrose successfully does.

So, for God sake, make him BAD!!!
Stop making him talk so much, smile so much, being so honest and blahblahblah.
We loved him dark side of the force, guys, a silent -no smiling guy, the Roman of the Shield.

If Vice MacMahon  and his team are as smart as I think they are they will find this, and
1) laugh at me
2) read it

and now that you are at point 2, sires, listen to this,
all the locker room lives, moves, breaths for one thing------ A TITLE, if possible, WWE Champion
Make Roman the one who is so burned out, so pissed off, so anti-everything, that GIVES A SH*T ABOUT YOUR TITLES, he just wants to mess the company up and down as the company have messed with him (all the beatings, all the disgusting speeches of the authority...)
Hey we are talking about the guy who punched Vince, ,who speared Steph!
He should tell her, you chose me for RAW team... did I ask for it? I dont give a damn about you, your dad and your bro. So this is the new era? F*ck, yeah! The Roman empire era, and I am going to be your worse nightmare till you ...
(now you the ones who earn money put your brains to work, uh? Just one, clear statement for him, and STOP making him give those horrible speeches, dont give people the chance to boo!)

I would make Steph ban him from every show, and get Shane to do the same, and then, I would make him appear raw/smackdown to mess the shows,  out of control, get the manager bananas trying to avoid him appearing (under stage, between the public, hanging from the ceiling wherever!!!) and spoiling their shows.

Change his outfit. Plain black and plain clothes, he is not the company's hero, he is the ONE vs all, but this time for true, make him bomb the company.

Bet people would love it.
Or at least, we would have fun.

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